Supporting Off-Leash Recreation and Responsible Dog Ownership
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Feb 1st, 2025: Expect a stormy weekend with rain and snow. Grooming will likely be weather dependent, and the Wanoga parking lot could be a mess if it is not plowed.

Dogpac's mission is to promote the health and enjoyment of dogs and their guardians through the provision of off-leash recreation opportunities in Central Oregon. We hope this site, our advocacy, and our on-the-ground work enhance your enjoyment of outdoor experiences with your dog. It is important for you and others that your dog behaves responsibly when off-leash.

Explore the local area off-leash dog parks, summer and winter trails in Central Oregon.
All paws on deck needed to support off-leash areas throughout Central Oregon.
Dogpac's achievements have been made possible through the support of local businesses.